PCML - Health & Safety Program

6.4.3     Committee Duties

Site Superintendent Duties

The Site Superintendent is responsible for:

  • Arranging the meeting time, date and place.

Site Safety Coordinator Duties

The Site Safety Coordinator is responsible for:

  • Preparing the agenda.

  • Reviewing previous minutes and new materials.

  • Chairing the meeting.

  • Recording, preparing and distributing minutes.

  • Notifying members of meeting.

  • Reporting the status of recommendations.

Committee Duties

The committee has the following duties and functions in relations to its workplace:

  • Identify situations that may be unhealthy or unsafe for workers and advise on effective systems rectifying those situations.

  • Consider and expeditiously deal with complaints to the health and safety of workers.

  • Consult with workers and the employer on issues related to occupational health and safety and environment.

  • Make recommendations for the improvement of the health, safety and occupational environment of workers.

  • Advise on proposed changes to the workplace or the work processes that may affect the health and safety of workers.

  • Ensure that accident investigation and regular inspections are carried out as required by the Workers Compensation Act and the Regulation.

  • Participate in inspections, investigations and inquiries as identified in the Regulation.

Safety Committee Meeting Typical Agenda

  • Call to order.

  • Roll call – Chairman introduces any guests or visitors present.

  • Review business arising out of previous minutes.

  • Reading of relevant correspondence and reports.

  • Incident / Accident, near miss review.

  • Recommendations and suggestions.

  • Discuss the work schedule and its impact on safety.

  • New business.

  • Set date, time and location for next meeting.

  • Adjournment.

The appropriate form, or equivalent, shall be completed for each meeting (Appendix K or equivalent).


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