PCML - Health & Safety Program

9.0     Emergency Preparedness

WorkSafeBC requires all employers to provide employees with a quick and effective response in the event of injuries or emergencies. First aid and emergency preparedness are an important part of this PCML Health and Safety Program.

The purposes of these services are to:

  • Ensure prompt and effective emergency responses.

  • Promote speedy recovery and to minimize the effects of injuries or exposures.

  • Provide workers with assistance when required.

The success of first aid and emergency preparedness depends on employees knowing what to do in any emergency situations. Supervisors are required to communicate emergency numbers and procedures to workers during orientation training and to regularly bring up this information during safety meetings. In addition, risks associated with the projects’ work process and their control measures must also be communicated and understood. Annual emergency and evacuation drills are practiced to ensure awareness and effectiveness of emergency routes and procedures. All training, meetings and drills shall be documented.

Employers will provide all of the tools and resources required for these programs to be effective.

These include:

  • Appropriate emergency response plans and equipment.

  • Training and annual retraining of company emergency responders.

  • Time made available to allow key players to complete their duties.

  • Established chain of command for emergency situations.

The Site Safety Coordinator and / or First Aid Attendant will establish the emergency response plan for Medical and Fire Emergencies, which includes the Emergency Response Team.

The site plan must indicate access gates, streets, meeting points, emergency telephone numbers, emergency air horn and fire extinguishers, hospital routes, site office and first aid location. This plan must be updated regularly.



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