12 - Sales Tours and Homeowner Orientations
To facilitate the entry of Customers* to an area of a project that is not covered by an occupancy permit issued by the municipality the following requirements will be met.
Sales Tour
Request for a Sales Tour must be;
- directed to, and approved by, the Site Superintendent or Quality Supervisor, and
- made before the end of regular construction site activities the day prior.
Sales Tours will be;
- limited to areas where other workers are not currently performing construction tasks and agreed to by the Site Superintendent, and
- accompanied at all times by a representative of Polygon Realty Limited and a representative of Polygon Construction Management Ltd., and
- limited to four (4) customers, with no customer being under the age of majority.
Customers will;
- complete the Sales Tour waiver provided by the Polygon Development Company, and
- be provided with safety footwear and protective headgear by Polygon Realty Limited prior to entering any construction area, and
- not be permitted access to balconies or other areas where a fall hazard is not protected by a permanent guardrail.
A Sales Tour may be denied or cancelled, in full or in part, prior to or during, if circumstances are determined not to be adequately safe by the Site Superintendent, their designate, or the representative of Polygon Construction Management Ltd. escorting the tour.
Homeowner Orientation
Once the Site Superintendent determines that a unit is ready for Homeowner Orientation and that reasonably safe access can be provided, they will coordinate with the Customer Service Group for a Homeowner Orientation of that unit.
Homeowners Orientations will be;
- limited to areas where other workers are not currently performing construction tasks, and
- accompanied at all times by an employee of Polygon Construction Management Ltd., and
- limited to four (4) customers, with no customer being under the age of majority.
Customers will;
- complete the Homeowner Orientation waiver provided by the Customer Service Group and,
- be provided with safety footwear and protective headgear prior to entering any construction area.
*may include any person associated with the purchase or intent to purchase.
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