PCML - Health & Safety Program

Confined Spaces

Except as otherwise determined by WorkSafeBC, a Confined Space means an area, other than an underground working, that:

  • is enclosed or partially enclosed;

  • is not designed or intended for continuous human occupancy;

  • has limited or restricted means for entry or exit that may complicate the provision of first aid, evacuation, rescue or other emergency response service; and

  • is large enough and so configured that a worker could enter to perform assigned work.

These procedures relate to the construction and repair of deep manholes, below-grade pump stations or any other area deemed a Confined Space.

The following procedures are essential to ensure a safe environment for the worker inside the confined space as per Section 9 of the OH & S Regulation.

  1. Ensure on-site inspection testing equipment is available to monitor the atmosphere inside for oxygen level and for the possibility of harmful gases. A written report, tabulating the results obtained from monitoring, and confirming the atmosphere is safe, will be issued on-site to the Site Safety Officer and also shown to the worker - only then is the worker permitted to enter and stay inside. Monitoring and recording of results will take place immediately before first entry, after any interruptions in the work, and at intervals while work continues.

NOTE: In the event that harmful gases are detected, work must not take place inside until arrangements can be made for the worker to be provided with air-supplied respiratory equipment and instructed in its use.

  1. The worker inside must wear the following safety equipment at all times:

  • Hard hat and safety boots;

  • "Tank and manhole" type safety harness connected by lifeline to a winch outside the entry;

  • Mouth and nose mask, or, air supplied respiratory equipment if found necessary by gas tests or work generated harmful fumes and dust;

  • Gloves;

  • Hearing protection during jack-hammering (Class "A" standard for high noise levels) and protective impact goggles.

  1. Additional personnel, equipment and apparatus required at the entry location while the worker is inside include:
  • A winch positioned over the entry with a rope lifeline connection at all times to the safety harness being worn by the worker inside.

  • A worker in attendance at the winch at all times. This worker will be in continuous communication (visual and voice) with the worker inside. Adequate lighting inside will be required to ensure that visual communication is clear and distinct.

  • A portable blower-apparatus to provide continuous ventilation by supplying clear air into the bottom of the manhole, chamber, or pipe. The intake for the blower- apparatus must be kept clear of any motor exhaust.

  • If no permanent ladder or rungs are already in place, then a temporary ladder to provide access from the top to the worker, and positioned clear of the winch lifeline.

  1. The preceding work procedures are specifically for our own workers. Should any employee of another agency involved on the work site (i.e. Municipality or Consulting Engineer) require entry for contract inspection purposes, the same procedures must be followed.


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